A growing Church is an exciting Church! But more important than growth are the stories of radical encounters with God. Lives that are being transformed. People who are maturing towards a calling within the Kingdom of God. The children are learning to pray. We worship through a lifestyle of surrender, and not just with good music. We hunger for the Word of God. We long to obey our King.
At this time, we feel that God has made it abundantly clear that His vision for our church is for it to expand. Not for the sake of the building itself, but to provide a space for more children to come meet Jesus, for more youth to come find Truth, more dedicated space for prayer and ultimately, room for everyone to find the belonging we all greatly desire.
Building Project
Join us in matching a donation made by Laura Friesen for the Anchor Point building project. If this donation is matched, Pastor Donavan is committed to shaving off his beard!
Proposed Plan
Partner With Us
Would you consider joining us in building a physical structure that will be used to transform the inner life of each person that walks through the door? If you believe that God is asking you to be a part of fulfilling this vision together with us or would like more information, please email donavan@youranchorpoint.com.
If you feel led to financially sew into the vision, you can give here and select “Building Campaign” as the fund.
Thank you for considering investing in the Kingdom work in this way.