Of all the books that have ever been written – the Bible stands out far above every other book. It is not even a comparison. But when asked about the reliability of this book, or how i…
Paul’s time in Athens, and especially his message at Mars Hill (Ac. 17:16-34) powerfully showcases the apologetic method of the Early Church. In Luke’s telling of the story, Paul is, fir…
The ideologies and collective assumptions of our cultural often affect us more than we think they do. For this reason, it is important to examine the “spirit of our age” and disc…
Under the universal cultural influences of individualism and deconstruction of tradition, many Christians seemingly believe they can maintain an effective, healthy, and intimate walk with Je…
God is good and sin is bad, very few Christians would argue against either of these facts. But in a world where both goodness and badness are become increasingly subjective concepts, it is i…